"Life's most urgent question is: what are you doing for others?“ Martin Luther King Jr.

Become volunteer

Being a volunteer with Ariana foundation is the real donation to support the deprived families and your engagement with developed and hunger free Afghanistan.”

Volunteer Oppurtunites

Minimum period: 8 weeks
Requirements: Good communication skills, ability to travel across the country, fluent in local languages, at least 12th grade of education.

Ariana foundation is focused on two key areas within the humanitarian aid domain:

  1. The successful delivery of the essentials to internally displaced and natural disaster-affected Afghans.
  2. Facilitating basic educational opportunities through support for families whose children are disadvantaged from public education due to severe financial constraints.
  3. Creating opportunities for local women to handcraft productivity that would enable them to financially become self-reliant. These programs are being carried out in an effort to help those in need by mobilizing a poll of volunteer activists, local communities, and experts to collaborate closely with the Foundation and its partner organizations in implementing humanitarian and development programs throughout Afghanistan.

To address this calamity, the international community, development organizations, the United Nations, foundations, and volunteers must initiate a coordinated effort to assist those in dire need of humanitarian assistance. For this purpose, the Ariana Foundation will help focus on reducing poverty by implementing humanitarian and development programs in Afghanistan

Click here to join in humanitarian assistance to families in need as a volunteer

Minimum period: 8 weeks
Requirements: Good communication skill, awareness of current educational system, fluent in local languages, at least 12th grade of education and bachelor holder will be preferred.

Afghanistan’s education system has been devastated by more than three decades of sustained conflict. For many of the country’s children (especially for girls), completing primary school remains a distant dream specifically in rural areas. .

Despite the Taliban ban on all the girls above grade 6 from school since they took over political power, there are opportunities that can be capitalized on to facilitate home-based education. This kind of education would focus on local communities men and women to teach local children at their houses instead of going to their local schools which are banned for girls above grade 6. Afghan girls have already lost more than one year since the ban was effected. Despite the demands of Afghan people and the international community from the Taliban authorities to allow Afghan girls to go to schools, the likelihood of the success is dim for the near future. To prevent the waste of further time for the girls, there is an urgent need for improvising and managing educational opportunities in local communities. The foundation will be able to manage this issue by creatively supporting local communities with their consent within the Afghan cultural values to initiate home-schools.

Addition to that, the socio-political and humanitarian crises that Afghanistan faces critically affect a fragile education system and community development. Natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, and landslides exacerbate the situation for all children. These factors raise parental concerns about safety and can prevent them from sending their children to school.

In some parts of the provinces, a shortage of schools and insufficient transportation are the main obstacles to education. A long walk to school means fewer children go. Geographical barriers, especially in mountainous areas, also make it hard for children to reach the classroom.

According to the recent development in the field of education and the development, Ariana foundation is working to help and educate girls through online educational platforms and to promote vocational and skill-based education in Afghanistan, as it is essential for economic development.

Click here to join in education and community development as a volunteer

Minimum period: 8 weeks
Requirements: Good communication skill, experience in food distribution, fluent in local languages, at least 12th grade of education and bachelor holder will be preferred

Decades of conflict, prolonged population displacement, civil unrest and recurring natural disasters contribute to humanitarian needs in Afghanistan.  Disaster-affected and food-insecure communities require continued life-saving food and nutrition assistance.

Ongoing situations in Afghanistan restrict livelihood opportunities and limit household income continue to drive food insecurity in Afghanistan, more than half of the  people are in need of emergency food assistance.

Many of the deprived families are sleeping without having food and do not have a considerable shelter to live comfortably. Ariana foundation is supporting families in need to provide food and hygiene packages.

Click here to join in food packages distribution to families in need as a volunteer.

Do you want to work voluntarily for the prosperous and developed Afghanistan?

Ariana foundation has paved the way to attract qualified people throughout the world to work us jointly for the reduction of poverty, community and education development, public awareness, helping with fundraising for affected families and individuals in Afghanistan.

Ariana foundation is committed to working jointly for a peaceful and developed Afghanistan where the rights and needs of Afghans are met

Become Volunteer

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Ariana Foundation
Asalamullalikum Warahmatullah! 👋
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