Corporate Partnerships

Ariana Foundation is proud to be partner with some of the world’s most innovative and successful companies to find victories over reduction of poverty, education and community development and empower women and girls in Afghanistan.

Corporate Partnerships with Impact

Join us to invest in innovative, scalable, impactful, community-based solutions:


Humanitarian Assistance

Humanitarian Assistance

The successful delivery of the “essentials” to internally displaced and natural disaster affected Afghans
Facilitating basic educational opportunities through support for families whose children are disadvantaged from public education due to severe financial constraints
Emergency Response

Emergency Response

With emergency teams on service 24 hours a day, and prepositioned stocks of essential supplies ready for deployment, our rapid response capabilities ensure that life-saving assistance can be delivered anywhere in Afghanistan when needs arise
Community Development

Community Development

Ariana Foundation is the one to provide a nuanced understanding of each community’s economic and social relations from the bottom-up particularly in the rural areas, with a focus on seasonal hunger, indebtedness, poor wages, lack of access to health services, among others.
Individual Donation

Individual Donation

You do not have access to extend your support to deprived families in Afghanistan, ariana foundation is committed to facilitate the individual donation
Food and Hygiene Packages

Food and Hygiene Packages

Decades of conflict, prolonged population displacement, civil unrest and recurring natural disasters contribute to humanitarian needs in Afghanistan
Research and Evaluation

Research and Evaluation

Ariana Foundation’s research and evaluation initiative is focused on a twofold mission: it identifies, analyzes, and monitors humanitarian and developmental issues; and it enables the successful implementation of projects that deal with such pressing problems in Afghanistan.

Strategic, Award-Winning Corporate Partnerships

We believe in the power of shared value. Dynamic corporate partnerships are essential to solving complex challenges. We have an opportunity to work closely together to help build Afghanistan where all people can live in dignity.

Ariana Foundation’s partnership team works closely with you to develop mutually beneficial partnerships. Our expertise includes identifying and developing impact programs; solving supply-chain issues; creating compelling marketing initiatives and innovation and evaluation issues in Afghanistan






Contribute to specific projects or make an investment in Ariana Foundation mission. Engage employees and consumers to learn, engage, fundraise and spread the word. Display Ariana Foundation’s work and the impact of our partnership for expanded awareness, giving and engagement.
Corporate Contributions
Event Sponsorship
Cause Marketing
Operations Support
Gifts in Kind
Employee and Consumer Fundraising
Ariana Foundation Packages
Advocacy and outreach
Media in inventory
Co-created assets
Influencer engagement
Donation of media support and inventory

Benefits of Partnership

Investing in Impact
Your contribution to Ariana Foundation is to help in reduction of poverty, creating new opportunities for women, introducing of various platforms for girls’ education, emergency response for natural disaster affected people in Afghanistan.
Ariana Foundation’s creative assets, celebrity access, and thought leadership expertise support your storytelling efforts and help you engage consumers, employees and stakeholders in making a difference. The result is brand lift, increased sales and a boost in loyalty.
Supporting Ariana Foundation helps establish your company as a courageous leader in the reduction of poverty, enhancing of girls education, saves lives in terms of food donation in Afghanistan and committed to embracing differences and promoting equality.

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Ariana Foundation
Asalamullalikum Warahmatullah! 👋
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