Humanitarian Assistance

The United Nations Charter inspires the vision of the Ariana Foundation. As an independent humanitarian entity, the Ariana Foundation commits itself to alleviating the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan that exacerbated after the collapse of the former Afghan government, but also a gradual consequence of the four decades of low-intensity conflict in the country.

Ariana Foundation is focused on three key areas within the humanitarian aid domain:

The successful delivery of the “essentials” to internally displaced and natural disaster affected Afghans.
Facilitating basic educational opportunities through support for families whose children are disadvantaged from public education due to severe financial constraints.
Creating opportunities for local women for handcraft productivity that would enable them to financially become self-reliant. These programmes are being carried out in an effort to help those in need by mobilizing a poll of volunteer activists, local communities, and experts to collaborate closely with the Foundation and its partner organizations in implementing humanitarian and development programmes throughout Afghanistan.

Currently, over 65 percent of Afghanistan’s population requires humanitarian aid due to the country’s prolonged history of conflict spanning more than four decades. This is further exacerbated by frequent natural disasters, enduring poverty, and drought. Recent political unrest has intensified the situation, increasing the number of people in need, weakening the economy, and creating an even more challenging operational environment.

The United Nations reports that 24.4 million individuals urgently need humanitarian support. Additionally, five million people are facing severe hunger, with over half of children under five at risk of acute malnutrition-related death if immediate measures are not taken.

To confront this crisis, a unified approach from the international community, development organizations, the United Nations, foundations, and volunteers is imperative. In this regard, the Ariana Foundation is committed to alleviating poverty by executing both humanitarian and developmental programmes in Afghanistan.

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Ariana Foundation
Asalamullalikum Warahmatullah! 👋
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