1- Does the Ariana foundation accept donation?

Yes, Ariana foundation happily accept donation from individual and companies interested in helping with deprived families in Afghanistan.

2- How can I or my company partner with Ariana foundation for fundraising opportunities?

There are several ways you and/or your company can get involved in Ariana foundation mission.

  • Support one of Ariana’s annual events or marketing programs, or our Package campaign.
  • By sharing information about Ariana Foundation with your consumers, customers, and partners, you help multiply the reach of our foundation’s work.
  • To learn more, please contact us by e-mail at info@arianafoundation.org.

3- Does Ariana foundation offer financial assistance or grants?

Ariana foundation is not a funding agency and therefore does not provide financial support directly to individuals or organizations. Instead, Ariana foundation works in partnership with local communities in helping of humanitarian assistance, reduction of poverty and education particularly for girls.

4- Why Ariana foundation only provide assistance within the Afghanistan?

Ariana foundation is concerned with poverty, education and community development and injustice in Afghanistan, our mission is to serve families in the poorest communities. Afghanistan is suffering from poverty since last three decades and families are sleeping without having food and shelters.

 Since last August of 2021, the education of girls has also become the immense problem for being not allowing to the schools above grade 6.

5- Can I ask Ariana Foundation to deliver our food and shelters to our families in Afghanistan?

Yes, you can share the list of families named for extension of help. Our team is serving across the country. For more information, please contact through Info@arianafoundation.org.

6- If I am an international donor, can I still make a donation to Ariana foundation?

No matter where you are, you can support Ariana foundation programs.

7- Where does my donations goes?

We dedicate as much of our funding to the lifesaving humanitarian and education development programs in Afghanistan. Along with that, the financial efficiency is one indicator of organizational health; a guarantee of effective programs is absolutely essential for us. We insist on independent, external assessments of our programs as well, we regularly undertake external assessments to evaluate our program impact, coverage, coherence, relevance, sustainability, effectiveness, and efficiency, and we have developed quality management procedures and an internal auditing system designed to streamline our capabilities and optimize our resource use.

8- Can I donate clothes, food, or other supplies?

Yes. We accept donations of clothes, food and other supplies as long as it helps with deprived families.

9- How do I find more information working with Ariana foundation?

Information about job opportunities with Ariana foundation can be found on our career page.

10- Can I be volunteer for Ariana foundation?

Yes. You can go through the page career and provide the required information and the recruitment team of Ariana foundation will contact you.

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Ariana Foundation
Asalamullalikum Warahmatullah! 👋
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