Ways To Donate

Bank Transfer

Support us with your direct bank transactions . We support different countries currency

American Dollor
Account holder: Ariana Foundation

Routing number:

Account number:

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Account holder: Ariana Foundation

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Account number:

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Account holder: Ariana Foundation

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Account number:

Account type:

Account holder: Ariana Foundation

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Account number:

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Use Paypal

You can donate through Paypal to help families in need in Afghanistan,your donation will support deprived families, girls’ education and natural disaster-affected people

Debit / Credit Cards

You can donate through credit/ debit cards to help families to help families in need in Afghanistan, your donation will support the deprived families, girls education, and more

Send Us Message
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Ariana Foundation
Asalamullalikum Warahmatullah! 👋
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