Our Core Values

We are an independent, non-profit, and non-political humanitarian foundation that understands Afghanistan, its people, cultures, and needs, driven by the objectives and guided by the vision of self-reliance, peace, and security.

Trust is the foundation for communication, transaction, and delivery of humanitarian services by Ariana Foundation because without it the mission fails. Ariana Foundation partners, fundraisers, and the delivery of the services on the ground require a trustful environment to allow for growth and smooth operations.
We celebrate the unique skills held by individual members of our team and partners. We strive to integrate knowledge, expertise, and care for collective excellence. Together, we create a positive impact that is rewarding and beneficial to achieve our goals.
It saves time, energy, and cultivates trust. We are accountable for who we are and what we do. We have zero tolerance for corruption. All interactions with stakeholders observe standards of the utmost transparency to earn the trust and support of the public, colleagues, and clients.
We promote voluntarism in the Afghan communities. It is a civic duty in the public service. We believe it is a human activity that can be nurtured to create awareness, sympathy, and unity among people in the public sphere. so that we could bring people together to help the families facing harsh situations
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Ariana Foundation
Asalamullalikum Warahmatullah! 👋
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