
We are an independent, non-profit, and non-political humanitarian foundation that understands Afghanistan, its people, cultures, and needs, driven by the objectives and guided by the vision of self-reliance, peace, and security.

To assist those affected by the 40-years conflict, including Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), returnees, and underserved households, who are in desperate need of humanitarian assistance.
Successful humanitarian response to natural disasters in Afghanistan, especially women, children, and the elders by providing the essential: food packages, portable drinking water, sanitation facilities, hygiene practices, and income-generating opportunities.
To facilitate and promote Primary, Secondary and Technical Vocational education for Afghans, particularly to girls to advance community development across the country.
Enabling a peaceful Afghan society where the basic needs of all Afghans are met and their basic rights are protected under the Universal Declaration of Human Right and Afghanistan’s values.
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Ariana Foundation
Asalamullalikum Warahmatullah! 👋
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