Research and Evaluation

Ariana Foundation’s research and evaluation initiative is focused on a twofold mission: it identifies, analyzes, and monitors humanitarian and developmental issues; and it enables the successful implementation of projects that deal with such pressing problems in Afghanistan. The four decades of armed conflict and instability in Afghanistan have resulted in the enervation of the social, economic, and political fabrics of the Afghan society. Consequently, the people of Afghanistan continue to experience pressing challenges in the realms of public education, health, finance, and social cohesion.

The research initiative employs qualitative and quantitative methods to devise bespoke solutions for the pressing public policy problems in Afghanistan. The initiative employs appropriate expertise and builds on relevant technologies to assess, monitor, and enhance the launch and successful implementation of projects in the areas of concern. Ariana Foundation research unit consists of local and international subject matter experts (SMEs) who better understand the issues, contexts, and needs of Afghan society. They have extensive on-the-ground experiences of life, society, and politics in Afghanistan. These qualities distinguish the research initiative from others.

Key areas of focus:

    • Public Education.
    • Public Health.
    • Natural disasters (emergencies) response.
    • And developmental affairs (governance, public finance management, community resilience, and social cohesion).

Ariana foundation intention is to help evolve the efficiency of project implementation throughout the country by using contextual assessment/ evaluation tools.

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Asalamullalikum Warahmatullah! 👋
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