Ariana Foundation Aids Hunger-Stricken Afghan Families.

Families in Afghanistan are grappling with a hunger crisis, compounded by the challenges faced by internally displaced persons (IDPs) and the impacts of natural disasters on vulnerable families. The Ariana Foundation is stepping in to provide immediate food and shelter to these affected Afghan families.

"We support the relief of poverty in Afghanistan, assist internally displaced individuals, and deliver aid to vulnerable Afghan families affected by natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes." Chairman of the Ariana Foundation

Our Programs

Humanitarian Assistance

Humanitarian Assistance

The successful delivery of the essentials to internally displaced and natural disaster affected Afghans
Facilitating basic educational opportunities through support for families whose children are disadvantaged from public education due to severe financial constraints
Emergency Response

Emergency Response

With emergency teams on service 24 hours a day, and prepositioned stocks of essential supplies ready for deployment, our rapid response capabilities ensure that life-saving assistance can be delivered anywhere in Afghanistan when needs arise
Education and Community Development

Education and Community Development

Ariana Foundation is the one to provide a nuanced understanding of each community’s economic and social relations from the bottom-up particularly in the rural areas, with a focus on seasonal hunger, indebtedness, poor wages, lack of access to health services, among others.
Individual Donation

Individual Donation

You do not have access to extend your support to deprived families in Afghanistan, ariana foundation is committed to facilitate the individual donation
Food and Hygiene Packages

Food and Hygiene Packages

Decades of conflict, prolonged population displacement, civil unrest and recurring natural disasters contribute to humanitarian needs in Afghanistan
Research and Evaluation

Research and Evaluation

Ariana Foundation’s research and evaluation initiative is focused on a twofold mission: it identifies, analyzes, and monitors humanitarian and developmental issues; and it enables the successful implementation of projects that deal with such pressing problems in Afghanistan.

You Can Make A Difference

You can donate through credit/ debit cards to help families to help families in need in Afghanistan.
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Ariana foundation has paved the way to attract qualified people throughout the world.
Give Monthly
Give Monthly
You can donate through our pre-made monthly packages which has been set up for families in need.
Number of grants
120K $
Charitable Support
Programs Implemented

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Ariana Foundation
Asalamullalikum Warahmatullah! 👋
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